Episode 3: Time-to-Digital Converter

Episode 3: Time-to-Digital Converter

  • Posted by Griffin Adams
  • On November 16, 2022

You've heard of ADC. You've heard of DAC. Have you heard of TDC?

Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC):

Time-to-digital converters precisely measure the time between events and output a digital count. You would reach for one of these for a design that needs to measure time-of-flight (ultra-sonic, lidar, radar, etc). However, many more uses can be implemented with a TDC. They pair exceptionally well with flux capacitors.

TDC Texas Instrument
Simplified LIDAR Application Block Diagram

Our guy, Griffin Adams, regularly tells our team about novel electronic devices he’s uncovered, and we are sharing them with you too. Griffin is a Senior Electrical Engineer at Engenious Design where he designs parts for space launch vehicles and medical devices that make the world a better place.


Griffin Adams Website Bio - Electrical Engineer
Griffin Adams
Senior Electrical Engineer at Engenious Design

Griffin has almost a decade of experience with electronics design and assembly, test and troubleshooting, and embedded software. His combination of Electronics Technology degree and Engineering Physics degree gives him a unique perspective on product design. His motto to never stop learning drives him to stay informed of technology, trends, and advancements not only in electrical engineering but also in related fields of physics and bioengineering. Griffin has designed PCB’s for consumer electronics that include digital signal processors and DDR memory, and medical devices that need rigid-flex PCBs capable of folding into a handheld device.