Our Mothers Would Be Proud

Our Mothers Would Be Proud

  • Posted by
  • On August 20, 2018

Critical Help For the Women In Your Life

At Engenious, we design products that help your loved ones! Our mothers’ would be proud!

Research has long shown the correlation between the use of urinary catheters and morbidity and mortality among elderly patients. And this study found that there are over a million infections associated with urinary catheters (CAUTI) each year!

What if indwelling catheters were less common and other viable options available for your mother or grandmother?

Our Mothers Would Be Proud

The industry is working to develop effective external catheters for use whenever possible. External catheters reduce infection and improve quality of life for women suffering from incontinence. This is an example of the type of devices we design in partnership with our clients.

Real world products that improve people’s lives; it’s why we love our work!

Let's Talk About Medical Devices That Help People

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